
Risk for Infection - Glomerulonephritis Care Plan

Risk for infection (UTI, local, systemic) related to depression of the immune system.

Purpose: The client does not have an infection after being given nursing care.

  1. Assess the effectiveness of immunosuppressant.
  2. Monitor the number of leukocytes.
  3. Monitor the temperature every 4 hours.
  4. Note the characteristics of urine.
  5. Avoid the use of tools / catheters in the urinary tract.
  6. Monitor for signs and symptoms of UTI, and take precautions UTI.
  7. Use and encourage good hand washing techniques.
  8. Instruct the client to avoid infected people.
  9. Make prevention of damage to skin integrity.

  1. Immunosuppressant serves suppress the immune system when the gift is not effective then the body will be very susceptible to infection.
  2. Indicators of infection.
  3. Temperature monitor and anticipate infection.
  4. Cloudy urine showed the presence of urinary tract infection.
  5. Catheters can be a media entry of germs into the urinary tract.
  6. Monitoring of infection so that it can be taken quickly.
  7. Good hand washing techniques can break the chain of transmission.
  8. Impaired immune system makes it easier to become infected.
  9. Damage to the integrity of the skin is the body's first barrier loss.

Activity Intolerance - Glomerulonephritis Care Plan

Risk for Excess Fluid Volume - Glomerulonephritis Care Plan
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