
Nursing Diagnosis for Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder

People with passive-aggressive personality disorder characterized by obstructionism, procrastination, stubbornness and inefficient. Personality passive-aggressive behavior is a manifestation of the underlying aggression, expressed passively. Patients passive-aggressive personality disorder characteristically among others; procrastinator, do not accept requests for optimal performance, not willing to apologize, and tend to find fault in others even though the people they depend; but they refused to release themselves from the dependency relationship. They usually do not have a firmness about their needs and expectations. People with this disorder do not have confidence in themselves and generally pessimistic about the future (Kaplan & Saddock, 1997: 268).

They harbored anger and hostility expressed in an indirect way but using a painless way. Not sensitive to criticism and always considered himself properly. From the point of cognitive-behavioral, passive-aggressive evolved from the belief that the open expression and the anger is dangerous. Demanding other people should know what they want, without his asking (Martaniah 1999: 79).

In general, people with a passive-aggressive personality, failed to build good relationships with others. On the contrary, instead tend to have a bad relationship. Sometimes they procrastinate duties or responsibilities as a form of pent-up anger. Small things alone can be a big barrier for them to act. Therefore, they always expect guidance from others and shifting responsibility.

Passive-aggressive personality, easily discouraged and also difficult to make their own decisions. This behavior will emerge clearly, as they relate to others, both in terms of society, family life or role in society, family life or in conjunction with his superiors in the hierarchy of jobs. Another characteristic of people with passive aggressive personality is like sneering attitude when finding incompatibility with other people. Not trying to resolve the problem properly, but instead left it.

One form of anger exhibited by passive aggressive people, for example, when they were asked to complete a particular job which is actually very light, but to express resentment, they will put it off. The other way, they do it haphazardly, so the result is very bad.

Signs and Symptoms of Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder

People with this disorder resent responsibility demonstrated through their behavior, rather than by openly expressing their feelings. They often use the delays, inefficiencies, and forget to avoid doing what they need to do or have been told by others to do so.

Some common symptoms of passive-aggressive personality disorder include:

  • Frown
  • Avoiding responsibility by claiming forgetfulness
  • Deliberately waste
  • Blaming others
  • Complain
  • Feel resentment
  • Having a fear of authority
  • Pent-up anger or hostility
  • Delay
  • Rejecting the advice of others

A person with this disorder may appear to satisfy the desires of others and may even be keen to show their desire. However, they are:

  • Perform the requested action was too late to help
  • Taking action is useless
  • Doing sabotage to show anger that they can not express in words

Nursing Diagnosis

  • Social isolation
  • Depression
  • Low self esteem
  • Risk for self-harm
  • Risk fo violence

Knowing The Characteristics of Dependent Personality Disorder

Nursing Care Plan for Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD)

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