
Nursing Care Plan for Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD)

Paranoid personality disorder (PPD) is a personality disorder with prominent suspicion; people with PPD may be aggressively and any others seen as an aggressor against him, he had to defend himself. He behaved as a rebellious and arrogant to hold self-esteem, often he threatened another person as a result of hostile own flavor projections. Thus he lost friends and get a lot of enemies.

The exact cause of paranoid personality disorder are not fully known but there are several factors that can affect:
1. Genetic
A group of personality disorders (paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal) are more frequently found in children's biological relatives of schizophrenic patients. Schizotypal personality disorder was significantly more common in the family history of schizophrenia. Correlations were less common in paranoid or schizoid personality disorder with schizophrenia.
2. Temperamental
Certain personality disorders may stem from poor parental suitability, for example, impose culture aggression may inadvertently encourage and thus play a role in a paranoid personality disorder.
3. Cognitive Dysfunction
In the study conducted by Forsell & Henderson performed in elderly people found that cognitive dysfunction may be a risk factor for symptoms of paranoid. By measuring regional blood flow, in patients with paranoid symptoms showed increased functional activity, especially in the frontal region and showed a decrease in blood flow in the posterior temporal region.
4. Social isolation
In the same study conducted by Forsell & Handerson suggests that patients who experience social isolation including as a result of divorce, does not have a friend or rarely gets a visit, have a relationship with the occurrence of paranoid symptoms.

Mistrust and suspicion are very large to others. Their minds are constantly contains the idea that someone else will be playing a trick, exploit, or cause harm. People with the disorder are always on guard against the perceived dangers around them. They are secretive, too sensitive, jealous, argumentative and aggressive. Various difficulties and insults and injuries which constantly suffered by people who have never forgiven. Their interaction is characterized by excessive criticism, stiffness, defensiveness, cold, and can not be compromised. Others judge that they are objective, on the release of emotion. They make those around them feel uncomfortable in social situations, and they lack a sense of humor. Because people with this personality disorder tend to avoid intimate relationships and demonstrate excessive attitude as if they themselves feel important and feel themselves sufficiently, they are often lonely. They have difficulty in accepting others who are in positions of power or strong and often they do not have relationships with peers and colleagues. Paranoid personality disorder is more common in men.

Related Behavior of Personality Disorder

1. Histrionic personality disorder
As a pervasive pattern of emotional and excessive attention seeking.
Symptoms: High emotional, self-dramatizing, attract attention, manipulative, low tolerance, irrational, temper tantrums, manipulative, exaggerated responses to stress.

2. Narcissistic personality disorder
Not warm, not responsive, bound by the rules (discipline), perfectionistic, seriously (can not relax, laugh and cry), social relations are limited.

3. Borderline personality disorder
Difficult social and personal relationships, depression, complained of feeling bored and empty, do not trust others, feeling lonely, very sensitive to rejection, unable to cope with anxiety and frustration, lack of self-control.

4. Dependent personality disorder
Not self, other people who make decisions about him, lack of confidence, lack of vitality and mobility.

5. Obsessive–compulsive personality disorder
Not warm, unresponsive, bound by the rules (orderly, neat), perfectionistic, seriusly (can not relax, laugh and cry), social relations are limited.

6. Avoidant personality disorder
Hyperactivity in denial, avoiding social relationships except with guarantees (received and not criticized), withdrew, friends limited, low self esteem, anxiety and embarrassment when talking with others, want to be pitied and accepted.

7. Passive-Aggressive personality disorder
Rejected demands for adequate dressed (social work), refusal not expressed directly (suspend, waste of time and forgetfulness).

8. Schizoid personality disorder
Emotions were cold and uncaring, without the warmth and tenderness, can not distinguish between praise, criticism of other people's feelings, refusing eye contact, avoid spontaneous communication, paranoid thoughts, magical thinking and communication problems.

General purpose :
Preventing the occurrence of severe mental disorder.
Help develop the capacity of social relationships.
Encourage family participation in care of the clients.

Nursing interventions

1. Histrionic personality disorder
Working closely with the client and family.
Behavioral therapy to help the achievement of growth and development.
Assist parents to discipline children.
Help children adapt in the group.

2. Narcissistic personality disorder
Help clients develop strong self-esteem.
Facilitation explosion of anger and hostility.
Respond to each client's behavior.
Give a brief description, clear and limited.
Help clients realize the feelings, capabilities and limitations.
Set clear expectations, consistent and steady.
Help clients to escape from painful experience.
Provide feedback client behavior.
Engage in group therapy.
Make a family therapy.

3. Borderline personality disorder
Create a therapeutic environment.
Working closely with the client and family.
Make a contract with the client in achieving goals.
Avoid bargain.
Use of role models, technical re-inforcement.
Confrontation client behavior that is not appropriate.
Identification of destructive behavior and monitor regression behavior treatment soon.
Identify the needs of clients in need.
Engage in group therapy.
Provide appropriate therapy.

4. Depending Personality disorder
Design an appropriate age limit and consistent.
Involve family and people closest.
Avoid behaviors revenge and emphasize the responsibility of the behavior, thoughts and feelings.
Give life a chance to control their behavior.
Indicate acceptance / recognition of the client's decision.
Stay give information about the activity of the therapy.
Navigate clients on thinking future plans.

5. Compulsive personality disorder
Expressive psychotherapy.
Discuss the effects of stress and give advice.
Prevent obscurity.
Emphasize the need to concrete examples.
Behavioral and cognitive strategies are very useful.
Group therapy for parents and families.

6. Avoidant personality disorder
Develop a relationship of mutual trust.
Help clients accept the criticism of others.
Help clients self-criticism.
Help clients to get out of the circle of critics by confronting loneliness.
Help clients to socialize and make friends.
Give reinforcement ability that has been owned clients.

7. Passive-Aggressive personality disorder
Give behavior and environmental constraints.
Provide an opportunity to express feelings constructively.
Provide opportunities experienced in the group.
Increase social relationships.
Perform behavioral therapy.

8. Schizoid personality disorder
Make a contract Nurse - Client.
Increase socialization.
Avoid isolation and institutional care.
Engage in occupational therapy and group therapy.
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