
When Your Body Deficit or Excess Fluid

Have you ever experienced dry mouth, skin feels hot, excessive shaking, drowsiness, and emotionally unstable? If ever, it means that you are suffering from severe dehydration.

Here is a more in-depth explanation about dehydration and other health problems that can affect a person if the deficiency and excess fluid, namely:

1. Dehydration

Dehydration is a condition of an imbalance of body fluids leads to a lack of fluids. In people who exercise, dehydration occurs when the sweat that comes out more than fluid intake. Generally, dehydration is a shortage of water without a shortage of salt / electrolyte body, even when doing physical exercise in a hot environment.

2. Health problems due to heat

Dehydration in addition to lowering the physical performance also contributed to the health problems caused by heat, such as muscle cramps,
fainted due to heat,
tired due to the heat, and heat stroke. In the case of serious example when heat stroke, the patient should be immediately taken to a medical facility for further treatment.

3. Hyperhydration

Hyperhydration is excess body fluid caused by excess fluid intake compared to the amount of sweat that comes out.

Hyperhydration can occur from drinking fluids containing glycerol or hypertonic fluids because these substances binding water, which causes the water retained in the body. Another thing that causes hyperhydration was too much to drink in a certain period.

4. Hyponatremia

As a result of hyperhydration is a body fluid becomes hypotonic, where blood sodium levels become low. This condition is called hyponatremia and able to harm the body. Hyponatremia can be prevented by avoiding excessive water intake, exceeds the amount of fluid that comes out of the body.
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