
Transferring the Patient : From Bed to Wheelchair

Transferring the Patient : From Bed to Wheelchair
Transferring the Patient : From Bed to Wheelchair

  1. Review the medical record and nursing plan of care forconditions that may influence the patient’s ability to move orto be positioned.
  2. Performh and hygiene and put on PPE, as indicated. Identify the patient. Explain the procedure to the patient.
  3. Provide privacy.
  4. Raise the head of the bed to a sitting.
  5. Make sure the bed brakes are locked. Put the chairnext to the bed. If available, lock the brakes of the chair. If the chairdoes not have brakes, brace the chairagainst a secure object.
  6. Lower the side rail, if necessary, and stand nearthe patient’s hips. Stand with yourlegs shoulderwidth apart with one foot nearthe head of the bed, slightly in front of the other foot.
  7. Assist the patient to sit up on the side of 
  8. Wrap the gait belt around the patient’s waist, based on assessed need and facility policy.
  9. Stand facing the patient. Spread yourfeet about shoulderwidth apart and flex your hips and knees.
  10. Ask the patient to slide his orherbuttocks to the edge of the bed until the feet touch the floor.
  11. Position your self as close as possible to the patient, with yourfoot positioned on the out.
  12. Using the gait belt, assist the patient to stand Rockbackand forth while counting to three. On the count of three, use yourlegs (not yourback) to help raise the patient to a standing position . If indicated, brace your front knee against the patient’s weakextremity as he orshe stands.
  13. Pivot on yourbackfoot and assist the patient to turn until the patient feels.
  14. Ask the patient to use an armto steady him- orherself on the armof the chairwhile slowly lowering to a sitting position. Continue to brace the patient’s knees with yourknees and hold the gait belt. Flex yourhips and knees when helping the patient sit in the chair.
  15. Assess the patient’s alignment in the chair. Remove gait belt, if desired. Depending on patient comfort, it could be left in place to use when returning to bed. Coverwith a blanket, if needed.

by. Siva Nanda Reddy- http://www.slideshare.net
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