Management of Dengue Fever yani 9:19 PM Dengue fever caused by the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito that grow in the environment around the house. Therefore, maintaining cleanli...
4 Types of Headache - Symptoms, Risk Factors and Causes yani 8:41 PM What is Chronic Headaches ? Chronic headache is a headache which is more than usual. The pain that never stops of consequences caused by th...
Constipation Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, Prevention and Natural Treatment yani 8:24 PM Constipation is a common digestive problem. Usually characterized by constipation or irregular bowel movements. In addition to people who s...
NCP related to Thermoregulation - Assessment, Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions yani 9:55 PM Nursing Care Plan related to Thermoregulation Assessment Subjective Data: Patients express the degree of body temperature increases o...
Nursing Care Plan for Aphthous Stomatitis (Impaired Oral Mucous Membrane) Unknown 8:36 AM Impaired Oral Mucous Membrane Definition of Aphthous Stomatitis Aphthous stomatitis is an inflammation that occurs in the oral mucosa, ...
NCP for Urinary Incontinence - Assessment and Nursing Diagnosis Unknown 4:50 AM Nursing Care Plan for Urinary Incontinence Assessment Client Identity Incontinence in general usually frequent or likely to occur in ...
Excess Fluid Volume - Definition, Etiology, Signs and symptoms, Pathophysiology and Complication Unknown 12:13 AM Excess Fluid Volume Definition Circumstances where an individual experiencing or at risk of excess intracellular or interstitial fluid. ...
Self-Care Deficit - Definition, Types, Signs and Symptoms Unknown 7:50 AM Self Care Deficit Definition Self-care is one of the basic human capacity to meet their needs in order to sustain life, health and well-b...
Sleep Disorder - Many Factors Can Cause Snoring Unknown 8:28 PM Snoring is a common condition encountered in fact we may have. In some cases, snoring is considered very disturbing. Snoring is one of the s...
Impaired Physical Mobility related to Post Cesarean Section Unknown 10:31 AM Nursing Care Plan for Post Cesarean Section Mobilization is a person's ability to move freely, easy, organized, have the aim of meetin...
How to Assess The Patient's Level of Consciousness / GCS (Glasgow Coma Scale) Unknown 9:24 AM GCS (GLASGOW COMA SCALE) is a scale that is used to determine or assess the patient's level of consciousness, ranging from a fully cons...
Purpose and Side Effects of Anticancer / Antineoplastic Drugs Unknown 8:32 AM Anticancer / Antineoplastic Drugs Drugs which aim to destroy malignant cells. Always given multi-drug. Anticancer given as primary thera...
Types of Problems and Sleep Disorders Unknown 9:41 AM Sleep is a thing that is needed by the human body, so that the performance and optimum performance of the body when the body is awake. Duri...
Disrupted Sleep Patterns Can Cause Disease Unknown 9:26 AM Be careful for those who have disrupted sleep patterns, because according to research, such things can cause disease. The findings of the r...
Deficient Fluid Volume - The Patient / Family Education Unknown 8:56 AM Deficient Fluid Volume occurs when water and electrolytes lost in the same proportion as they are in the normal body fluid so that the rati...